Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ack! What am I getting myself into?

My youth group needs to grow! From the day I took over I decided I didn't care about the quantity as much as the quality. If I only have 5 kids, but they are solid God loving people then that's great!
For the past few weeks though we have been talking about witnessing to friends. This is one of the last things Jesus told the church to do before He went to Heaven. He told us to go make disciples who make disciples. It's so very important that we all do that, but I also know how terrifying that can be for not only an adult, but for an insecure teenager.
So I'm putting our lessons into action and we are having a "fun night". Not your typical Wednesday night youth group service, but a night to just play games and relax. This is also a super easy way for the teens to invite their friends to church. I hope it will all come together, we are suppose to have Wii's, Xbox's etc hooked up and ready to go as well as board games available.


  1. That's an awesome idea Tiff! From all the stuff I'm hearing about the youth group, you are doing such a wonderful job! I'm sure it takes up a lot of your time, but you definitely have the heart for it and it shows. You are such a blessing to that church and the teens :) I only wish I could be there to help

  2. good luck! i'll be keeping your work with the youth group in my prayers :O)

  3. That sounds awesome Tiff! They will have a blast & honestly that's the way to get others to come. Draw them in with the fun stuff & throw God in there and they will keep coming back :)

  4. I think that's a perfect way to get them to invite people! We do that at our church, too, even with the grown women...we have movie nights, and stuff like that. LOL

  5. Thanks Amanda, that's really sweet of you to say. I wish you were here to help as well! That would be fun.
    It was a success last night. We had a bunch of new kids come, mostly guys but that works, because my group is mostly girls!
    Thanks for the sweet words of encouragement and prayers! I'm totally trying it again next month :)
