Sunday, February 14, 2010


I'm not a Valentine fanatic at all, the day is cute and I love a reason to decorate in pink though! Our church service was all about the Love chapter in Corinthians today, it was a great chapter and had me convicted for sure. While at first I have to fight the pain of "oh crap God is totally talking to me today" I really enjoyed it and was able to laugh at myself.
This will not come as a shock to anyone that really knows me, but I struggle with this. For some people it comes so easily, for some reason it's different with me. I could go into sappy details about my childhood, but the bottom line is when I became saved Jesus gave me new life and I should be focused on that now.
I have been giving this a lot more thought lately, even before the sermon today. I know that Jesus was love, is love, shows us love. He showed the ultimate love for us, it's the least we could do to show love to others. It also says in the Bible that they will know we are Christians by our love. It's also not about loving those that are easy to love. Oh no way, if it were that easy I would be pretty decent at it. God wants us to love everyone, the people that hurt you, the people that are weird etc etc.
In our society we have no clue what love is. We think it's buying presents for someone, or being nice to their face but "venting" to someone else when they aren't looking. It's all very silly (And I'm pointing the fingers at myself here)
I thought about making a Love Challenge for myself. I need to think about how this will manifest it's self. You can read 1 Corinthians 13 here.

Here is a heart for you on Valentine's day.

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