Friday, February 19, 2010

Verbal Beating

I am currently reading a book called Love and Respect by Emerson Eggerichs. At times it can be a verbal beating, but the information in it is pretty amazing. Now, I think my husband and I have an amazing relationship. He was my best friend for 2 years before we decided to date, we dated for 4 years before we got married, and we are working on our 2nd year of marriage as we speak. I don't read these books so I can fix a strained marriage, but I read them to try and become the best wife I can be and to try and prevent anything major from happening.(This was on our way to Florida for our honeymoon!)

The book talks about how woman have this deep desire for love. If you are a woman reading that you are probably thinking, duh yeah... Well then it goes on to say how men have a deep desire for respect. When I started reading this book I thought to myself "well I want to be respected too." What women don't understand is that men need the respect like we need to be loved, it' s on another level for them.
I'm not able to explain as well as this author does, but I would encourage any wife to check it out. It has so much insight and I'm thankful to be reading it.


  1. so so true!
    you guys are one of the cutest couples i have ever seen:O)
    i'd really like to see that painting with his curly hair and your sweet smile, actually happen!
