Saturday, December 26, 2009

So this is the New Year

This may be a little premature but I am looking forward to a new year. 2009 was by no means a bad year at all but I actually have some new year resolutions!

This one feels so cliche to say but I really do want to start working out. Not to help my figure, but my health overall. For being thinner I am not very healthy. On top of that I've been told that I have a heart like a little kid. I got an EKG a few weeks ago, nothing really came of it but my doctor said working out would help my heart...and that's a good thing! To explain a little bit further I was at the chiropractors this summer and he said he heard something so I should mention it to my Dr. When I saw her she said it was not an arrhythmia but when I inhaled and exhaled it went either too fast or too slow (I really can't remember what she said) but she said it was common in children but adults grow out of it....not me though! So that's that!

I would also like to read the whole Bible. I have been a christian for 9 years and I have never read the whole thing. I feel terrible saying that but it's the truth and the first step to changing I think is admitting faults. A few weeks ago I started the read the Bible in a year ( This reading plan is actually really great, it takes me exactly 20 minutes every morning. That is really no time at all. However, I got out of the habit. January first I am determined to start it up again!

Another goal I have is to stop focusing on me. This one is very personal and something I'll probably have to work on and pray about daily but will be well worth it.

I would love to hear what everyone else has planned for their New Year resolutions!

1 comment:

  1. mine are really similar to yours:O)
    i've recently realized i need to loose about 10 lbs for every year we've been married, lol. so working out for sure.
    reading my bible and doing more scripture memorization with Leland-- their little brains are so spongey right now!
    here's to hoping we accomplish our goals! how much better will things be if we even get one? lots.
