Friday, December 11, 2009

Missy tagged me a while ago to blog about 5 obsessions. As she stated it's hard to come up with 5 things that I'm "obsessed" with. I've never thought of myself as a very passionate person either. Sometimes this bothers me. I wish I was more passionate about something, a hobby, learning a new skill....I don't know, just something. Missy's obsession's, or things that make her happy were a lot more ummmmm poetic I guess, for lack of a better phrase. And also some things are obvious, like Jesus and my family etc.

"So onto things that inspire me and make me happy that yes, I do tend to obsess over:"

My dog Olive. It's true, she's pretty much amazing. I honestly miss her if we've been gone for a while, however pathetic that may sound. She is well trained and hilarious. She is just the right mix of hyper/playful and a snuggle bug.

My hair. I love doing different things with it. I love to cut it pretty short, but I also love it when it's long enough to put in a pony tail. I have naturally curly hair, and I like the way it looks when it's put up. Kolby likes my short hairstyles, but he is also a big fan of long hair so I'm growing it out for him. In all honesty it won't look good much longer than it is now. Since it's naturally curly it's naturally dry...not to mention it's super thin on top of that! I posted this picture because I love this haircut! I saw it at target and decided when I want to cut it short again, which is inevitable, this is how I want to cut it. I texted Maggie asap.

Food blogs. I was going to put cooking, or baking. I'm far to lazy and unmotivated to actually cook gourmet or bake something extravagant. However, I love too look at food blogs. I love to see the creativity, the delicious food, dreaming of having a huge kitchen and plenty of time to experiment. I would also some day love to have my own cupcake bakery.

This is starting to turn into a food obsession! I sound like I may possibly be very overweight they way I'm rambling on and on about food! So I just admitted that I'm typically pretty lazy and unmotivated when it comes to baking. However, when I do bake my favorite part is making it look pretty. Of course I want it to taste good, but more importantly I want it to look fabulous!

My current obsession is my future. I am at that point in my life where it's time to think about babies, and living arrangements etc. etc.

Now it's time to tag people! Maggie, Annie, Amanda, Denise