Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Am I missing something?

When I was a teenager everyone was striving to be in their 20's. That was THE goal. Whether you wanted to be 21 so you could drink legally, be 22 ish so you're finished with school, this is the age when most people get married, start having kids. I guess you become a "real" adult. Now as a twenty something I hear people older than me talk about wanting to be a twenty something again. Am I missing something here?? It seems as if being in your twenty's is suppose to be something magical. I've reached all of the adult things, except for having kids so what am I missing. Why is being in your twenties so special?
I want to be someone who ages gracefully. By that I not only mean in appearance but I want to be excited about getting older. I know getting older has some benefits and positives and I want to focus on those things. I don't want to be the stereotypical woman that is brought to tears at the thought of getting older and can't stand it when someone asks her age. I want to be proud of my age. So far I'm not doing very well at this. I'm 24 now and I was really bummed thinking about it last night. I know I know I know that 24 is not old, but I guess it's the thought of being older that bothers me. That and the fact that I am currently a twenty something, reaching the half way point and I feel like I'm missing something. I feel like I have a great life, and there are certainly no complaints, but why are the twenties suppose to be so awesome? Someone fill me in...


  1. I don't know why the 20's are supposed to be amazing... because if they are then i've surely missed it since i'm almost done with them. In a way i think it's because the 20's are the real first age bracket towards independence. The time when people are supposed to be branching out and doing brand new things all on their own.

    I think 24 is a good age :)

    Happy Birthday! <3

    btw, my word verification today is smaggin, and it cracks me up.

  2. i think Denise is right... for most people your twenties is about finding your self or letting loose or whatever...
    personally, i've known myself for quite a while and don't really want to let loose the way most people do (partying etc).
    but i think your twenties are just like any other time in your life if you plan on living life to the fullest, looking to Christ for leading, and having adventures everyday!
    i turned 24 in November and it was a weird birthday for me too. I've always been the "youngin" who got married young and had kids young, but i've always *felt old. now people just think i'm an old parent and i feel like i should be younger:O)
    not that i'm scared of getting older it's just weird... being the old person and a concert is funny.
    okay, way too long of a comment!!

  3. My word verification is "gograbe"...hahaha

    Either way, I know how you feel because I felt like that when I was in my young twenties...and then when I turned 30, it was a little hard because I was like, "Oh man...I'm not in the 'ideal' age bracket anymore...I'm not the 'young' one anymore!" But now, I'm pretty much over it. LOL

    I hope you have a wonderful day! I love you!!

  4. I don't know why people are all geared up in their 20s. Maybe it's the independance, and a lot of your most exciting things in life happen in your twenties? Most people get married, buy houses, and have kids during this age. However, I am 27 and the thought of 30 does scare me a bit b/c I'll have a 7 year old and 5 year old - I guess then I really will be a grown up Mom?! Yikes!

  5. I'll tell you girls, I thought 40's were great - kids growing up and succeeding, and I had more time but being 50 is even better. You have more sense, more time , more money , GRANDKIDS, and you don't sweat the small stuff anymore. I wouldn't trade any of the decades because God was teaching me life lessons but the only things I miss from my twenties ... my skin and my body ... it goes downhill from there!!! But, I hope I get another 50!

  6. I have no desire to go back to my 20's. I've loved every minute of my 30's so far. I'm 34, and enjoying life!


  7. I appreciate all of your comments, it's encouraging to know that i'm not alone in this and that i'm not missing anything!

  8. I will be 35 in a few weeks and I am thrilled. when i was turning 29 I thought that was hard because i just didn't feel that grown-up...but when I looked at who i was when I was 19, vs 29, I was thrilled with who I had become.

    And now, I have a few gray hairs and some laugh-lines and embrace them fully. I've lived a lot in the last 35 years and overcome some of the deepest and most crushing experiences and thrived in their midst.

    It's about understanding yourself a little bit it isn't always comfortable but it gets to be thrilling!

    You are awesome Tiff...and you will age with grace and wonder, I'm sure of it :)

  9. I know right am 21 one right now and am not the type of girl that likes going clubbing I prefer a nice tea party with friends and a lovely brunch with friends Sunday morning, but this sep am turning 22 and look like am 18 but I still feel like am getting old oh no!! love the post very real and it just got me meditating…Love Dye♥

  10. I was excited to kiss the 20's goodbye! They were a rocky and rough time. I think it is just the general populous' way of stating that they will never be satisfied, no matter where they are in life.

    I may not like all the things going on in my life right now, but there is so much to love and be grateful for that I just want to live in the moment. OK, MOST of the time. :)
