Thursday, January 14, 2010

Award Time

Maggie passed on the torch. The deal is that I share 10 honest things about myself with you. Then I get to tag 5 lucky readers to do the same!

1) I love love love to eat out. It may in fact be one of my favorite things to do. Especially when I'm on vacation. I love to try out new restaurants. I think it's fun to try new foods. Not only that but who doesn't love to eat a great meal, not have to cook it, or clean up the dishes?!?! This is a no brainer for me. If only it were less expensive I would do it all of the time. Anytime my husband and I are going out of town I look forward to picking out the restaurant we'll be dining at.

2) I am not a fan of jokes. This may sound a little funny at first, but let me explain. I love to laugh, seriously love it. I also love to joke around. When it comes to actual planned jokes, like a knock knock joke, or a blonde joke etc. I dread it. The reason? I'm afraid I won't get it! No joke. I am afraid I won't get even the most simple joke and then feel like a fool so I would just rather save myself the embarrassment! Silly, I know.

3) My mouth gets me in trouble. I am honest to a fault. I was raised in an environment where it was funny to have an attitude and just tell people what you think. I now live and am surrounded by people who get seriously offended by that. It is something I would like to change about myself and I'm working on it. Not that I will probably ever become the type of person to always tell you what you want to hear. I do however want to be the person that doesn't always have to give my opinoin.

4) This one is a silly dream of mine that I don't think I've shared with anyone. Ever since I was little I've practiced doing this in my kitchen. I would love to be a host on a cooking show. I would set up my kitchen as if I were in fact the host and have all of my ingrediants in cute little dishes. I think it would be so fun! I love to cook, I love to be in front of people, so why not combine the two!

5) Oh boy, this one goes against my own gender I think. I can not do a cart wheel to save my life. I have never learned how and I think at this point my body just refuses to learn.

6) My job for half of high school and part of college was working at Subway. I worked there for about 4 years. I loved that job and would totally go back if it paid more than minimum wage. It was easy, fun at times, not greasy. I've always told Kolby that if I got fired or laid off I would just work at Subway!

7) I am some what afraid of getting older. I used to be really bad, but it's subsided somewhat. There is so much uncertainty with getting older. You hear people complain about it all the time, why would I want it to happen? Some of it is vanity, I don't want the wrinkles or the over abundance of spider veins. Some of it is the uncertainty of it all, where will I be, what will I be doing? It will inevitably happen, I just hope I can enjoy the ride and not be one of those complaining citizens I'm talking about now.

8) Mayo is my enemy. I don't care if you call it Mayoniase or Salad Dressing. It's all the same and I find it repulsive. I know probably 60% of it is a mental thing but I cannot eat it. I haven't liked it since I was little. I can't even try it though to comment on the flavor. Something about the jiggly consistency, the smell, the fact that it's made of oil and eggs. I just can't do it. I got a sandwich in drive-thru and forgot to get it with no mayo once. I thought well no big deal, surely I can scrape it off and eat it anyways. You could hardly see the mayo after I teadiously worked my napkins on the bun. I got the sandwich to my lip....and started gagging. Pathetic but true.

9) I love to sleep. First, it's extremly easy for me to fall asleep. Watch out commercial's, if the show has not caught my attention, or I'm just a little bit tired, all it takes is one or two commercial's and I'm gone. I could also sleep from the time I get off work to the next morning I'm pretty sure. Recently I fell asleep around 6pm, woke up at 9pm and fell back asleep around 10pm until my alarm went off the next morning. I cherish my sleep.

10) I have 19 nieces and nephews. That's right 1-9. This happened because I have 1 sister, 2 half sisters, 2 step sisters, 1 step brother and a sister in law. My little sister has a son, one of my half sisters has 3 kids, the other half sister has 6, one step sister has 2 girls, the other has 4 kids, my step brother has 2 boys and my sister in law just had a baby girl. That's a lot of Christmas presents to buy!

Now it's your turn!


  1. I love it when people try to sneak mayo past you and they call it SALAD DRESSING...

    Honestly. Who can eat mayonnaise based salads with fruit in them GROSSSSSSSS!

  2. you think turning old and wrinkles is bad. wait til you have a baby and you have stretch marks on your butt, thighs, boobs, and belly! i didn't get belly ones, but every where else is scary! haha but they are SO worth it for her :)

  3. my husband joel HATES mayonnaise. makes him gag and turn in to a little squirming baby!!
    (not that you are one, but he's 6ft 4in for pete's sake and he's whining about condiment?!)
    he will be thrilled to hear that someone agrees with him:O)

    and i agree with Maggie... stretch marks are heinous. the ones from Leland started to fade right about when i got them from Emory. Watch out!!!
    (i could see you as one of those ridiculously lucky girls who doesn't get them, along with being all cute and skinny while you're preggers. no fair!)

  4. i always find these very hard to do.

    But anywho, you are visiting in the summer! that means: EATING OUT! yay, i can't wait!
