Wednesday, March 24, 2010

School Lunch

The documentary Food Inc has just been the beginning of this new food expedition for me. Now there is a new show on ABC called Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. He went to the unhealthiest city in America and is trying to show school's how they can improve their food. I think we can all recall the lunches served in school and how disgusting they were. He is out to prove that you can serve fresh, healthy ingredient that kids will eat and is cost effective.
Along with that I've run across two blogs that are very interesting. One is Fed Up With Lunch: The School Lunch Project. A teacher from IL is going undercover (for fear of losing her job) and blogging about the school food epidemic. How unhealthy, not to mention, unappetizing it is. There is also a student who is trying to do something similar. She's been trying to contact her school's food distributor just to get a simple ingredient list. That sounds harmless right? Well it's proving to be a very difficult task.
Here are their blogs you should check them out!


  1. I have Food Inc. on my Netflix queue...Jason said he'd watch Food Revolution with me online tomorrow night. I (personally) don't have to worry about school lunches for much longer, but we do eat a lot of fast food, restaurant food and generally "convenience" foods at home. :/

  2. Oh man you are in for a treat! haha
