Monday, April 25, 2011

Oh these silly hormones

I am not a crier. I hate crying, it makes me feel out of control and weak. I especially hate crying in front of people. I do not like the place of vulnerability that I'm suddenly thrust into. I still to this day would prefer not to cry in front of my husband. I don't even really like crying alone, although when necessary it feels good sometimes.
This pregnancy though is changing that a bit. I have cried 3 times over ridiculous things. It seems to happen while I'm in the car...let me explain.
The first time I cried it was literally over nothing...yes NOTHING. I was just driving down the road and started crying. It was out of nowhere and over nothing. I felt ridiculous and laughed at myself, while still crying.
The second time is hilarious. I was at a doctor's appointment that I knew would run late. I knew I would be hungry and I was in a town with a culver's, so I had a great plan. After my appointment I would grab my much loved culver's burger and head home. Well things went south when I turned in the opposite direction of the restaurant. I *thought* I turned the wrong way, but was holding out hope that maybe I didn't. When I realized I had indeed turned the wrong way I got really upset. I was really hungry and I was a pretty good distance towards home and I did not want to turn around. Needless to say I started bawling, called Kolby and explained everything. He was very kind and did not laugh (even though he wanted to) and told me to turn around. I refused though I was already in the direction of home and had something to get to. Ah crying over a burger...gotta love it!
The most recent cry I had was fresh. Just this morning actually. I was listening to Focus on the Family. It happened to be on the topic of being a new dad. It kinda freaked me out, and then when I was over that I threw myself a nice little pity party. Since I have the classic definition of a dysfunctional family I got a little bit bummed out about it, but then I got over that as well. All is good, hormones are in check....for now!


  1. First of all, you are correct to blame it on hormones. Just keep telling yourself that when you start to feel like a lunatic--and I don't want to scare you, but it's possible it could get worse after the baby comes. Feel free to call me anytime--I'd be happy to help. I literally thought I was going crazy for awhile after Emily was born...scared me to death. But with support and a lot of serious prayer, my head straightened out. <3

    Second of all, I totally get it about crying. My friends used to joke with me that I was dead inside...I'd laugh along with them, but it hurt at times. I read a book called The Emotionally Healthy Church and it started a revolution in my life. The book Boundaries helped. And Breaking Free (2 1/2 times) by Beth Moore...and a class called Cleansing, now I sound like a whackadoo...but anyway, all of those things helped, along with time. But I realized how unhealthy it can be to bottle things up all the time...even Jesus wept. It's not like I'm a crybaby or anything now, but I don't fear my emotions anymore. Seriously, I used to avoid altar calls because I knew I'd cry...that's messed up. LOL But, now things are better. I would encourage you--after the baby is born and your head is on straight again LOL--to consider that path of emotional freedom. ;o)

  2. welcome to the world of maggie. even without hormones, i could cry over a good commercial! it's my life, daily! haha
