Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Can you say madness??

That's what my life has been like lately...madness! Both in the good kind and the bad kind. However, God is so good and the good kind of madness prevails!
Let me leave you with my favorite verse before I continue...1 Thessalonians 5:16
The best part in all of this madness is the fact that I celebrated a birthday recently. One of my nieces turned one. She is so sweet in every sense of the word. I can't wait to see her grow up, but at the same time I want her to remain little forever.
Also another reason to celebrate...
This genius passed his CPA exams!!! Heck yes, no more studying!!!


  1. Hooray for you both! Take him away for a night to celebrate! I remember Jade passing this year & it was the most exciting thing to see him succeed in his dreams :)

  2. woo hoo! a date is a must! and my sweet pea is growing up, so time to add more! siblings and COUSINS!

  3. I can't believe Caroline is getting so big! and I'm so happy Kolby is done taking those tests!!!
