Thursday, February 11, 2010

A new task

I'm learning how to knit! It's pretty fun, and pretty funny to see how uncoordinated my hands can be. I've been wanting to learn for a while now. My good friend Corrie is teaching me! I'm still in the process of learning how to hold the needle and not letting it slip out of my hand when I'm concentrating on something else. I can cast on, and knit a few rows. It's not beautiful yet but I hope to make cute things like these someday:

I know I don't have any kids, but I think Caroline would look fabulous in them! And what about this fabulous piece of work?? I don't drink coffee, but my hot tea would appreciate this. Be prepared to receive fabulous homemade gifts next year family and friends!


  1. That's exciting! I know how to knit, but nothing fancy - I can do scarves and wash clothes :)

  2. caroline would love those booties! good luck on this task, i can crochet a line and that's as far as i get. i will gladly take a homemade gift! but expect a stamped necklace in return!

  3. Can you make me one of those coffee cup cozies?? I saw those on Etsy once and loved them!

  4. I tried to learn to knit once. Didn't have the patience for it.

    I can't wait to see what all you knit :)
